Monday, April 19, 2010

Creed Speaking

Hey Everyone!

Once again I want to share some of my experiences this semester...

During my time spent at Ocilla Middle School, I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Cole Harper.

I have been able to talk to him about his role in FFA and the competitions in which he has competed. Cole placed 1st in Area Five Creed Speaking. He will be competing this coming Friday in the State competition. If Cole wins he will go on to represent Georgia at the National FFA Convention.

Here is a article taken from the Ocilla Star...

Irwin Middle FFA students win at career development

Irwin Middle School FFA member Cole Harper recently placed first and Savannah Howell placed third
in the Area Five FFA Creed Career Development Event recently held at ABAC in Tifton.

  • The FFA CreedCareer Development Event allows students to develop leadership skills by participating in public speaking activities and by stimulating interest in leadership and citizenship.
  • Participants must recite the FFA Creed from memory and answer questions from the judges indicating familiarity with the subject and the ability to think quickly.
  • Participants are judged on voice, stage presence, power of expression, generaleffect and response to questions.

I will let y'all know how Cole did at the State competition ASAP!!!

Hope y'all are enjoying your wet weekend.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Parly Pro Practice

Hey there again!

Sorry it's been forever...the semester is coming to an end and things have been hectic.

Today I wanted to share some of my experiences from this semester.

I have been observing Chris Paulk, who is an Ag Ed teacher, at Ocilla Middle School.

One of my experiences has been sitting in on a Parly Pro Practice. You might wonder what is Parly Pro?

Parliamentary Procedure is used to conduct all types of orderly meetings-from business meetings to congressional sessions. Yes, our students that are in FFA use Parliamentary procedure to conduct their meetings.

During my first time watching the Parly Pro practice I was shocked. I will even admit I was confused.

The use of Parliamentary law or Robert's Rules of Order might seem complicated or overly formal. However, this ensures that all sides of an issue are treated fairly and everyone has a chance to voice opinions and vote!

The students who participate in Parly Pro learn:
  • To think quickly
  • To make good decisions on their feet
  • The skills & confidence to make a point later on

Now, I want to give you an idea of what happened during their Parly Pro Practice that I observed!

First, the students entered the room in a single file line. As shown below.

The Chairman takes position to guide the meeting.

The students are given a scenario to conduct business while use the Parliamentary laws.

The Chairman will then call the meeting to order and guide the meeting.

Since the students are using Parliamentary Procedures they will be able to address the four main objectives in a properly operated business meeting.

The Four main objectives are:
  • Focus on one item at a time
  • Extend courtesy to everyone
  • Observe the rule of the majority
  • Ensure the rights of the minority

The Ocilla Middle School did really well this year in Parly Pro. They were able to go to Super Saturday and compete!

Once again these students are learning incredible things that will help them out in life later on!

FFA really can make a difference in a child's life!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Super Saturday

On March 20th (which was Saturday a week ago) I went to Covington for Super Saturday with two other Ag Ed students and our Advisors.
Unfortunately, we had to get up and leave by 5:30 A.M.!!

Once we made it to Covington we, students helped Mr. Eddie with the Floral design competition.

We did a little bit of everything.

I was the time keeper for the Junior competition.

I took a second to strike a Pose!

April and Amber graded papers and entered scores into the computer.
This was my first experience seeing the kids in action.

I was very impressed with the student's creations and the whole competition!

Here is a picture of the judges grading the student's floral arrangements.

Here are some of the creations from the
Floral Design Competition!

I personally do not know much about floral design but I thought the students did an amazing job!! I was very impressed and enjoyed getting to see/help with the competition.

Now on Super Saturday there are
tons more competitions than Floral Design. Competitions range from Parly Pro to Ag communications, Professional Interviews, to Ag mechanics, and many more.

I just wanted to give y'all a peek into some of the amazing things our students in FFA are learning and doing!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What Have We Gotten Ourselves Into??

So my post today doesn't really have anything to do with FFA but apparently NEEDS to be part of Ag education!

My sister sent me a picture she took of an Ad in the Kroger Sale paper!

She thought it was interesting that people in advertising thought it essential to put "Humanely Raised"

My Sis thought that only Vegans and Vegetarians thought about this kind of thing!

So, I emailed her back.

Actually lots of people that do not have a connection with Animal Agriculture have seen so many horror stories from the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) that they have such a fear that the animals raised for food consumption are not treated humanely!

I want to give y'all some food for thought...

These groups are not promoting the kinder treatment of farm animals; they are promoting the abolition of farm animals. They want to make it prohibitively expensive to raise animals for protein.

HSUS is not affiliated with any pet shelters, and they hardly give any money to local pet shelters.

The President of the HSUS posted on his blog last March...

"We believe in the Three R's - reducing the consumption of meat and other animal-based foods; refining the diet by eating products only from methods of production, transport, and slaughter that minimize pain and distress; and replacing meat and other animal-based foods in the diet with plant-based foods.

If you don't believe me check it out!! Do the research for yourself. The REAL answers are out there not the celebrity/TV version to sucker you in!

I want you to look at the Ad again. Notice anything funny or perhaps something most of us would consider an oxymoron?

Perhaps you noticed like I did that according to this Ad we can all now enjoy a Vegetarian diet with 100% Organic Meat!!

Not sure many Vegetarians would appreciate this advertising blip!

So we're all wondering when is she going to get off her SOAPBOX and get to the point.

My point is people are not educated about Agriculture as a whole and especially Animal Agriculture!

So if you want to know the facts, do the research yourself because then you have no one to blame but yourself.

Next week I will give you an update on my time spent in Covington helping out with FFA Super Saturday!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Whole New World

Hey Y'all!!

Since I changed my major to Agricultural Education this past fall
I'm experiencing TONS of new things every week. So I thought I would

share some of the fun and important

things I'm learning this semester.

So get ready because if you want to follow along you in for a real treat and a

WHOLE new world...of National Blue and Corn gold...

Don't worry you will learn plenty about
Agriculture, FFA, and even ME