Once again I want to share some of my experiences this semester...
During my time spent at Ocilla Middle School, I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Cole Harper.
I have been able to talk to him about his role in FFA and the competitions in which he has competed. Cole placed 1st in Area Five Creed Speaking. He will be competing this coming Friday in the State competition. If Cole wins he will go on to represent Georgia at the National FFA Convention.
Here is a article taken from the Ocilla Star...
Irwin Middl

Irwin Middle School FFA member Cole Harper recently placed first and Savannah Howell placed third
in the Area Five FFA Creed Career Development Event recently held at ABAC in Tifton.
- The FFA CreedCareer Development Event allows students to develop leadership skills by participating in public speaking activities and by stimulating interest in leadership and citizenship.
- Participants must recite the FFA Creed from memory and answer questions from the judges indicating familiarity with the subject and the ability to think quickly.
- Participants are judged on voice, stage presence, power of expression, generaleffect and response to questions.

I will let y'all know how Cole did at the State competition ASAP!!!
Hope y'all are enjoying your wet weekend.